Check boxes allow the user to toggle things on and off in a form. They can be used singularly (as a sort of alternative to two radio buttons), or they can be used in groups where the user can select any number of options.
For example, you could have the following CheckBox:
- <forms:checkbox id="switch" valuechecked="on" valueunchecked="off" />
which will submit either
"on" or
"off" to the server.
Or you could have
valuechecked="blue" valueunchecked="red", which implies that the
default value for this particular parameter is
"red", rather than no value at all.
Where CheckBoxes shine is where you need the user to specify zero, one, or many values for a single item in a form:
- <forms:checkbox name="colours[]" valuechecked="red" />
- <forms:checkbox name="colours[]" valuechecked="green" />
- <forms:checkbox name="colours[]" valuechecked="blue" />
Here the user can select the colours they like, which will be posted to the server to the field
colours. Note
valueunchecked is not relevent in this case; if no values are selected then the value for
colours is empty.
Auto Focus
If true, this control will attempt to focus itself after the page has loaded. Note that only one element may be focused on the page at a time.
Default = false
Whether the checkbox is checked
Sets the data column
The datacolumn links the form item to a key used when getting or saving from a component (as defined by the parent form).
Disable Input
Disables the input, preventing user interaction
Sets the height of the element. The default units are pixels. include the percentage symbol % to user percentage values.
(Required) Most form items need a unique id so that they can submit data to the server. No two form items may have the same id. For situations where multiple form items submit to the same field, see the
name attribute. Id's that begin with
contact_ will automatically save Contact information to the Contact database as long as the user has entered enough identifying information (ideally Name and Email). Check the
Contact Fields page for correct field names.
Sets the name of the form item. Most of the time, the id attribute will suffice. However, with form items that post multiple values into an array, each item will need to have the same name, followed by []. For example three controls with name="data[]", will all post into 'data'.
Radio buttons belonging to the same group will have to share the same name.
Set to true if you need a simple <input type="checkbox"> without any container elements
Restore state on reload
Whether the value of the input persists when the page is revisited.
Default = false
Value Transformations
Sets the value transformations to be applied to the value of the form item as a comma separated string.
Sets the validations to be applied to the value of the form item as a comma separated string.
Eg: validations="mandatory"
When no validations attribute value is set, the form item is optional.
What is posted to the server when this checkbox is checked.
Defaults to "1", which is fine if you have a single checkbox for enabling/disabling a boolean option.
If you have multiple checkboxes for the same name, then each must have a different valuechecked.
The value the server sees when this checkbox is not checked.
Relevent only when there is a single checkbox for a given name.
Sets the width of the element. The default units are pixels. include the percentage symbol % to user percentage values.