Tutorials for Web Developers & Designers
Get Started
An Introduction to Oncord
Get started with an overview of Oncord's features and hosting infrastructure.
Video: Your First Website
Create your first Oncord powered website. Generate a design theme, or custom-code from scratch.
User Interface Controls & PHP API
Oncord features a library of User Interface Controls for adding dynamic elements to your pages, and a PHP API to get, save or delete data.
Logic and Loops
Logic is used to show content based on a test. Repeaters are used to list elements like Products, Pages, or Contacts.
Creating a New Design
Working With Oncord Designs
A design maintains consistency across your website pages, or e-mail marketing messages.
Generate a Website Design
Oncord is capable of generating professional sites fast, giving you the perfect foundation to build a new online presence.
Code a Design From Scratch
Code a website design from scratch, with custom HTML, CSS, JS and PHP.
Setup An E-mail Design
The role of an e-mail design is to maintain a consistent display across your e-mail marketing messages.
Website Navigation Overview
Common approaches to developing a navigation menu for an Oncord powered website.
Dynamic Primary Navigation
Implement a dynamically populated navigation menu on an Oncord website.
Secondary Navigation
How to implement secondary navigation on a Oncord powered website, such as sidebar navigation. Secondary navigation provides extra navigation items to assist the user in navigatiing the website.
Breadcrumb Navigation
Breadcrumb navigation can be useful for enhancing usability on websites with a large number of pages.
Post Article Navigation
This article will explain how to create a navigation menu which is automatically populated by post articles.
CSS Styling Navigation
Unsure about how to css style Oncord navigation menus? This article explains some techniques for CSS styling navigation, including the style rules relevant to drop down menus.
Page Redirection
This article explains how to setup page redirectors, using either a hard-coded method or through the admin panel.
Pagination And "Show More"
When loading a large amount of data, instead of increasing page load time you can opt to display a "Show More" button.
Changing The Default Post Display
This article will discuss how to alter the way posts display on a Oncord powered website.
Filter Posts By Date
Display Posts on the website based on their date.
Filter Posts By Month
Display all posts based on the month they are published.
Previous Post, Next Post Buttons
Show Categories for a Post
Show All Post Categories associated with a Post
Galleries & Images
Controlling Image Resizing
Take advantage of Oncord's automatic image resizing, cropping and thumbnail generation and control how images are automatically scaled.
Advanced Galleries
This article will give you an overview of how to implement an image gallery on Oncord, outlining the different techniques available to you.
Content & Image Rotators
Rotating Image Banners
Get started implementing rotators on your Oncord powered website.
Populating Rotators with Posts
Rather than placing static content within a rotator, populate content dynamically, using data from Posts, Products or Pages.
Get Started: Contact Enquiry Forms
This tutorial will provide an overview of common form elements, and walk through implementation of a basic enquiry form.
Newsletter Signup Forms
Implement a simple newsletter sign-up form, which adds a new subscribed contact to your database, and display a pop-up message on success.
Add Contacts to Groups via Form Submissions
Learn how to implement a web form that adds a newly created contact to a group.
Login Forms
This article explains how to implement a member login form on a Oncord powered website.
Registration Forms
This article explains how to implement a basic registration form on a Oncord powered website.
Two Stage Registration Forms
A two-stage registration form requests a user sign up with only an e-mail address or limited details, and then asks for more details on a second page
Website Search
Add a search box to your website design or a page on your site.
Execute PHP on Form Submissions
Execute a custom PHP function when an Oncord form is submitted.
Advanced E-mail Notifications
This form will ask the user "What can we help you with?", and send a notification message to an e-mail address depending on which item is selected.
Creating Multiple Contact Records via Form Submissions
This tutorial covers implementation of a registration form that will create two or more Individual contacts, with relationship to a Company contact.
Using AJAX With Forms
AJAX provides the ability to update parts of a website page or form, without reloading the entire page.
Example: In-Store Registration Form
An example well suited to in-store registration forms. Users are not logged in after submissions, refreshing the page ready for subsequent submissions.
eCommerce Design
Shopping Cart Buttons
How to implement a cart button which displays the number of items in the cart, or the current cart total.
Product Enquiry Form
Create a product enquiry form, which requests basic contact fields and shows a list of products.
Custom Payment & Donation Forms
Create a custom web form to process payment.
Shopping Cart PHP Algorithms
Working With PHP
PHP is used to retrieve and manipulate data stored within Oncord, such as contacts, pages or products.
Database Filters
Learn how to filter results from your database, for example when using an <data:repeater>.
Query Array
Explore the more advanced data querying options offered by the Properties Array.
Bulk Update Scripts
As an Oncord developer, if necessary you can leverage the Oncord PHP API to bulk adjust data within an account.
Account Management
Client Handover & Billing
Setup your client with administrator login, and ensure payment information is entered into their Oncord account.
Pre-Launch Checklist
After providing a training / handover session, here's a quick checklist that our internal project team uses when launching new sites.
Help a Client Login
Follow these steps if your client is having difficulties accessing their Oncord account.
Closing an Oncord Account on Behalf of a Client
How to close / terminate a client's Oncord account as an agency partner.
Adding or Removing a Client From Your Agency Portal
How to add or remove an Oncord account from your agency portal.
Implement a calendar on a Oncord based website. The calendar populates with post articles of a certain category, using the post date to place the post in the correct position on the calendar.
Google Maps
This tutorial will provide a walkthrough of how to embed a Google Map on an Oncord powered website.
Website Maintenance / Coming Soon
Using some simple server code, you can easily bring a website down for maintenance or construction.
Multilingual Websites
Create page trees for the different languages you want to present on your website.
Website Favicon
Favicons appear in the web browser tab, to the left of the Page Title. They're also used when saving a web page to bookmarks.