Registration Forms
Oncord websites include a general-use system page for account creation located at:
It's possible to include a custom registration form in different parts of the design template or other pages. Below is a widely used
example of a registration form that includes a success message within the same page.
<forms:form id="community_register_form" contactmode="register" method="ajax">
<forms:row label="E-mail Address">
<forms:editbox value="[? \Components\Customers\Contacts::currentGetColumn('contact_email') ?]" datacolumn="contact_email" validations="mandatory,email" id="contact_email" />
<forms:row label="Create a Password" description="So you can return to this site later.">
<forms:password id="contact_password" datacolumn="contact_password" validations="mandatory" />
<forms:row label="First Name">
<forms:editbox id="contact_first_name" datacolumn="contact_first_name" validations="mandatory" />
<forms:row label="Last Name">
<forms:editbox id="contact_last_name" datacolumn="contact_last_name" validations="mandatory" />
<forms:row label="Company Name" description="Optional">
<forms:editbox id="contact_company" datacolumn="contact_company" />
<forms:address id="contact_address" rowtype="two_column" />
<forms:row label="Contact Phone">
<forms:editbox id="contact_phone" datacolumn="contact_phone" validations="mandatory,phonenumber" />
<synergy8:customfieldsrenderer fields="[? \Components\Customers\Contacts::fieldsCustomGetAllExt(true) ?]" />
<forms:row align="center" type="one_column">
<p><br /></p>
<standard:icon library="fontawesome" name="check-circle" size="4" style="width: 131px; height: 131px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block; color: #75d776" />
<p><br /></p>
<h2 style="text-align: center;">Registration Successful!</h2>
<p style="text-align: center;">
Your account is now created. Click <a href="/community/profile">here</a> to complete your profile.<br />
<br />
Request Marketing Consent
You can explicitly ask users whether they want to receive e-mail newsletters, and set their e-mail marketing status to "subscribed" or
"pending". Add this code before the Form's submit button.
<forms:row type="two_column" label="Receive Our Newsletter">
<forms:checkbox id="contact_email_marketing_status" datacolumn="contact_email_marketing_status" value="pending" valuechecked="subscribed" valueunchecked="pending" label="Subscribe to receive our e-mail newsletter" />