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Feature Update: "Show More" Button

Oncord now features an intuitive Show More button when displaying large sets of data (products, posts etc).

Feature Update: "Show More" Button

Feature Update: "Show More" Button

Say Goodbye to Pagination, and Hello to the "Show More" button

In a move to increase the usability of both the Oncord dashboard and public websites, we have removed pagination in favor of a "Show More" button.

The term "Pagination" may not mean anything to you, but you've certainly come across it while browsing the web. It's the idea of spreading content between multiple pages rather than attempting to load one big block of content all at once.

Pagination on Google: 

Pagination on eCommerce:

Why "Show More"?

It's Faster Than Pagination: Previously the page had to be re-loaded to retrieve more content, however this is no longer the case. Depending on your website design, our new approach can drastically reduce page load time.

It's more SEO Optimized: Your data is still indexed by Google, even through it isn't immediately visible on the page.

It's a Better User Experience: Usability studies have shown the load more button offers a better overall experience for your website visitors.

As stated in a recent collaboration between Smashing Magazine and the Baymard Institute:

The “Load more” button solved the usability issues observed with pagination (whereby users explored less of a product list, and comparison of products across pages of results was difficult), and it solved the severe issues observed with infinite scrolling (whereby users superficially scanned products and were often unable to reach the footer). Read more here

What About Your Website? 

Your website dashboard pages and public website pages have already been updated. Any elements which were previous using pagination will now be using the "Show More" button.

If you notice any issues with the Show More button, click here to request support.

If you'd like your web designer to introduce a show more button to your website, instructions can be found here: Implementing Pagination & Show More

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Alex Cumberland

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