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Accepting Payment via PayPal 

We've made it easier than ever to accept payment on your website via PayPal.

PayPal is often easier to setup than a traditional merchant facility and payment gateway, and offers a great way to get started selling online. 

Customers can pay faster by simply entering their PayPal login details.  

Where customers don't have a PayPal account, they're still able to use a guest checkout to pay via credit card.

PayPal also offers buyer protection policies, as well as seller protection and fraud policies.

Some Limitations:

  • You cannot process credit card payments in the Dashboard via the Manual Sales process.
  • Customers are re-directed to PayPal to complete the payment process, and then re-directed back to your website afterwards. 
  • Oncord does not charge transaction fees, however you will need to check the PayPal transaction fees applicable to your region / situation. 

Create a PayPal Account

Navigate to the PayPal website for your country and sign up for a PayPal business account:

After creating an account, you will need to find your PayPal Business ID. If you do not have this, you can locate it by logging into your PayPal account on the PayPal website, then click "My Account" > "Profile". Your PayPal Business ID is usually your e-mail address.

Configuring PayPal Within Oncord

After retrieving your Paypal Business ID, perform the following steps to start accepting PayPal:

Login to the admin panel of your website and click the Settings icon, located at the bottom of the left sidebar. Select the "Commerce" heading. 

Click "Payment Methods" to view all the available and enabled payment methods on your website. Any changes made on this page will not be live on the website until the "save changes" button at the bottom of the page is clicked.

Click the "Enable" button next to the PayPal payment method to view the options for setting up PayPal.

Enter a payment title / label as you would like it to be displayed to the user. This label should be similar to "PayPal Secure Payment".

If you would like this payment method to be usable for both admin manual sales and public users, tick both "enabled for" boxes. Note: Using PayPal for manual sales is not recommended as you will not be able to process credit cards that are associated with an existing PayPal account.

What Your Customers Will See

As the final stage of the shopping cart process, customers will choose between your configured payment methods. When PayPal has been configured as above, it will display as a payment option.

You can offer PayPal as a payment option alongside other payment methods concurrently.

After confirming the sale, customers will be re-directed to PayPal to process the transaction. Customers may login with their PayPal account, or alternately Pay with Debit or Credit card as a guest, without registering for PayPal:

After completing the purchase, customers will be returned to your website and the sale will be confirmed.

Manual Sales With PayPal

In the Manual Sales screen of Oncord, you are given which choice of payment method to use.  When selecting PayPal, you are then given the options of "Customer has already paid via PayPal" and "Attempt to charge via PayPal".

  • Customer has already paid via PayPal - Useful if the customer has already paid and you're wanting to create an invoice from the transaction id.
  • Attempt to charge credit card via PayPal - Can be used to redirect the administrator to the PayPal payment screen to enter and charge customer cards without creating a customer PayPal account. This will not work if the customer has a PayPal account with the card you are entering added to it.

PayPal Pay in 4

PayPal offers a Buy Now, Pay Later solution called "Pay in 4". To find out more, visit the PayPal website. (PayPal Australia:

Within your Oncord account, you can enable "Pay in 4 Messages", which will display on the product detail and shopping cart pages.

To enable this message, navigate to:
Dashboard > Settings > Payment Methods > PayPal. 

Technical Information

Oncord uses PayPal IPN. IPN is an acronym for "Instant Payment Notification". It is a technique which automatically verifies and records payments into the Oncord database without any manual intervention.

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