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Promoting Events

Adding Events to Your Website

The Event Repeater allows you to display a list of events publicly on the website.

To add the Events Repeater into an existing page:

  • Open the page editor of the page.
  • Click the "Insert" button in the left panel.
  • Scroll down to the "Dynamic" section and drag the "Events" element into the page.
  • Configure the options such as:
    • Events template, filter, and order;
    • What event information and which event categories will be shown.
  • Click the "Save" button.

Advertising & Marketing for Events

Oncord posts are generally used for advertising events on your website (more on this below), and you may also send an e-mail campaign with an RSVP link to your contact database.

After installing the Events Management App, the "Conditions" engine will be updated throughout your Dashboard, allowing you to target email or SMS messages based on event attendance. 

This section will explain how to setup Posts and Pages to advertise an event on your website. This tutorial assumes that you have already created an event, so if you've skipped that step please create an event using the instructions above before continuing. 

There are two common Methods for users to RSVP for events via the website:

1. User clicks a Post > Completes RSVP

2. User clicks a Post > Reads Page, clicks a button or link > Completes RSVP

The first method is usually recommend, all you need to do is create a post, and for the "Full Version / Link to" option you will set the Post to link to your event. This means that when users click the post, they'll just be directed straight to the events RSVP page.

With the second method, you'll setup a Post, and for the "Full Version / Link To", you'll create a new page. On that page you'll have some info about the event, and normally add a link to the page somewhere that links to RSVP for the event. This method is ideal if you've setup multiple events for different ticketing options, because you can add buttons for each different event.

Linking a Post to an Event

Following the first method listed above: 

Create the event. 

Create a Post, advertising the event on the website

As part of Post creation, set the "Full Version / Link To" to the relevant Event. 

Link a Post to a Page, and a Page to the RSVP Form

Following the second method listed above:

Create the event.

Create a post, advertising the event throughout the website.

As part of the post creation, you'll create a new page which will drive traffic to the event.

Link the page to the events RSVP page.

Steps to Create a Post

The aim of the post is to act as a small "Teaser", which will link to a full page dedicated to the event.

Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Website > Posts.

Step 2: Select the "New Posts" button, located towards the top of the page.

Step 3: Configure your new post. As seen in the Example below, add a title, select a category (the category determines where the event post will display on your website), upload an image and write a small teaser / short description.

For the "Full Version / Link To" option, select the option "Create a New Page". This will generate a new page for the post to be linked to.

Step 4: Click the "Save & Create Linked Page" button, located at the bottom of the form. Clicking this button will take you to the new page, where you'll enter more details about the event.

Steps to Create an Events Page

After creating a post using the steps above, you should be looking at an empty page with the page editor open. The aim of this page is to list more details about the event, convincing users to RSVP. Use the page editor to add content, and perhaps an image. For an example of how an events page might look, see the image below.

Linking a Page to the Event RSVP

To allow users to RSVP, you'll need to place a link or button on the page which links to the RSVP form. To link your new page to the events RSVP form:

Step 1: In a new tab or window in your browser, Go to Dashboard > Customers > Events.

Step 2: Select your Event, and select the "View Online" button. Clicking this button will open the RSVP form for your event. Copy the URL.

Step 3: Go back to the Page and create a link (eg. "Click here to RSVP"), select the text and click the link tool in the page editor toolbar.

Step 4: In the URL field, Paste the URL that you copied earlier. Need more help adding a link? click here. 

Congratulations! You have now created an event, a post article and an information page for your event! You can now use the event information page to advertise your event through Social Media and Email Marketing.

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