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Learn how to access your website analytics data.

Understanding Analytics

This article will explain how to access and understand your website analytics. You can use Analytics to view information about the type of traffic your website is receiving, and where that traffic is being referred from. 

Access Analytics

To view your analytics, login to your Dashboard and use the left sidebar menu to navigate to:

Dashboard > Website > Analytics

You will be presented with the analytics data for your website. Be patient while this page loads, as it may take a while if your website receives a lot of traffic. 

By default, the analytics page will display data from the last 30 days, however you can select an alternative date range.

Analytics Explained

Oncord will remove all robot / machine visits to your website, and won't count administrator visits. 

Sessions - Sessions are displayed throughout the analytics graph in blue, on both the analytics page and when you visit the home dashboard screen. A session is counted whenever a unique visitor arrives on your website. The cutoff time for a session is approximately 4 hours of inactivity, so if a user leaves your website and comes back within an hour, only one session will be counted instead of two. 

Page Views - Each session will likely consist of multiple page views. A page view is counted when a visitor loads a page on your website. As an example if a user visits Home > Services > About > Services, this will count as 4 page views. 

Pages Per Session - The average number of pages a visitor views per session on your website. 

Session Duration - The average amount of time users spend on your website per session. 

Bounce Rate - A "bounce" is counted whenever a user arrives on your website, but leaves straight away without performing any clicks or visiting other pages. The bounce rate is the percentage of visits that are bounces vs. non-bounces. A lower bounce rate percentage is desirable. 

Top Referrers and Keywords

The list of top referrers and keywords will display where you traffic is being referred from (this is commonly Google, or other search engines). Where search engines such as Google have referred traffic to your website, the keywords list will let you know the keywords a user typed into the search engine in order to find your website. 

Please note, top referrers and keywords data is becoming less accurate over time as search engines limit the amount of data retrievable by web platforms such as Oncord, however this data should still give you a general idea of where your website traffic is coming from. 

Top Landing Pages and Top Exit Pages

This data will display a list of the most popular pages your visitors are arriving on, as well as the common pages users are leaving your website.

Mobile Usage and Browser Data

This section will display the number of website visitors that are using mobile devices such as phones and tablets vs desktop devices. This data is also useful for testing purposes, ensuring that the website is delivering an optimum experience based on the browsers that your visitors are using. 

If you still have questions, please message us at and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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