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Setting Up Website Favicon

A favicon (short term for "favorite icon") is a small icon that represents your website in browser tabs and search engine results. You can upload a custom one to improve brand recognition and professionalism.

Oncord's Favicon:

To upload a Favicon:

  • Prepare a square 32x32 pixel image in .png or .ico format based on the logo.
  • Rename the file to favicon (.ico or .png).
  • Go to Dashboard > Website > Designs >  select your website's primary design template
  • Click the "Media" option in the left panel, and upload the favicon file.
  • Click the "Source" option in the left panel, and add the following HTML code under the <head> tag.

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/media/website_designs/1/favicon.png">

Note: You will likely need to adjust the 'href' attribute to match the url of the uploaded file.

How to find the url of the uploaded favicon:

  • Within the design editor, click the "Media" option in the left panel.
  • Find the uploaded favicon file in the panel and click the three-dot button underneath it.
  • Select the "Copy Shortcut" option from the drop-down menu.
  • Replace the value of the 'href' attribute in the code above. In this example, the code would be: 

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="https://yourdomain/media/website_designs/5/favicon.png">

  • Then remove the part "https://yourdomain".
  • The code would end up being:

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/media/website_designs/5/favicon.png">

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