3min Explainer Walkthrough
- Generate a Design
Page Management
Page Editing
Form Builder
- Updating Your Navigation Menu
- Creating Page Redirectors
- Posts Management
Search Engine Optimization
- Setting Up Google Marketing Tools
- Setting Up Meta Pixel & E-commerce Tracking
- Setting Up Microsoft Marketing Tools
- Setting Up Linkedin Insight Tag
- Optimizing Images For Web
- Third Party Embed Code
3min Explainer Walkthrough
- Contacts
- Marketing
- Commerce
- Apps
Settings and Config
- Going Live
- Updating Your Billing Details
- Changing Your Oncord Plan
- Domain Health Checker
- Managing Administrators
- Registering a Domain Name
- Changing Your Domain Name
- Backing Up Your Website
- Choosing an E-mail Host
- Hosting Email With Oncord
- Setting Up Gmail Hosting
- Setting Up Office 365 Hosting
- Setting Up Sub Domains
- Hosting a Sub-Site
- Image
- Website
3min Explainer Walkthrough
- Generate a Design
Page Management
Page Editing
Form Builder
- Updating Your Navigation Menu
- Creating Page Redirectors
- Posts Management
Search Engine Optimization
- Setting Up Google Marketing Tools
- Setting Up Meta Pixel & E-commerce Tracking
- Setting Up Microsoft Marketing Tools
- Setting Up Linkedin Insight Tag
- Optimizing Images For Web
- Third Party Embed Code
3min Explainer Walkthrough
- Contacts
- Marketing
- Commerce
- Apps
- Settings and Config
Adding Images to a Page
To get started:
Uploading Your Image
When you upload an image to a page in Oncord, the image is stored in the attached media folder for that particular page. Images uploaded on one page won't appear in another pages attached media folder.
Resizing and Positioning Images
After placing an image on the page, you can resize it and choose how it interacts with elements around it.
Click the image to display a sizing tab in the bottom right-hand corner, and positioning handles on the bottom and the right-hand sides.
Adding Icons to a page
To add a generic image from an image library click the insert option from the toolbar on the left-hand side of the page.
Select the icon element in the insert toolbar and drag it onto the page where you want the icon to sit. A new window will open up where you can adjust the size of the icon and search for the icon you need from the icon library.
Adding a Gallery to a Page
A Gallery is an element that allows you to present photos in a space-efficient and visually attractive way, with image grid support and an integrated modal.
To add a Gallery to a page:
- In the page editor, click the “Insert” button in the left panel.
- Under the “Layout” heading, drag and drop the "Gallery" element into the page editing area (typically into a section) on the right.
- By default, the gallery element contains two rows with 6 image placeholders in each row (12 images in total).
- You can then add image to each placeholder.
Gallery Options:
Responsive Items Per Row: This option sets the number of images on each row within a specified range, attempting to
choose the best number for the available space.
- Example: a value of '4,6' tells the gallery to have between 4 and 6 items on each row, choosing the best number within that range according to the available space. A value of '4,4' tells the gallery that it can only have 4 items per row (if possible) at all times.
- Gallery Spacing: Controls the amount of space between images in the gallery.
- Gallery Sizing Tolerance: Determines how much image sizing can be adjusted to create balanced rows. It's helpful especially when images are in different aspect ratios.
- Enable Modals: When this option is enabled, it opens each image in a modal (light or dark box) view when clicked.