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Creating Links

This article will offer a complete tutorial on how to link page elements like text and images to other pages on your website, as well as external addresses and downloadable files. This article also explains how "link targeting" works, allowing you to open links in new browser windows.

To get started:

Login to Oncord and click the "Pages" link, located under the "Website" heading in the left sidebar.
Click the page that you'd like to update, or create a new page. If you don't know how to create or edit a page, please refer to the 'Create a new page' tutorial.

Once on the page editor screen, select the text or image that you would like to act as a link to another page.

After selecting an element, on the top of the screen you'll notice the text format bar.

Select the link tool, which is located in the top toolbar and shown in the image below.

Clicking the link icon will show additional options on the left-hand side of the screen.

The following options are available in this toolbar:

Page on your Website

To create a hyperlink to a page on your website, select this option and then select the page you would like to link to from the library of pages.

Link to: External URL

If you would like to create a hyperlink to an external website, select this option and then type the web address you would like to link to in the first field.

Link to: E-Mail Address

If you would like to create a hyperlink to open an email account and pre-fill an email with specific email details, select this option and then type the details into the E-Mail Address, Subject, and Body fields.

Link to: Heading on this page

If you would like the link to scroll to a particular heading on the page, select this option and choose a heading from the "Scroll to heading" dropdown box.

Link to: File / PDF

If you would like to create a link to a file or PDF, select this option and then upload the file you would like to link to.

Modify or Remove an Existing Hyperlink

To modifying an existing link, select the hyperlinked text or image, open the link tool and alter the hyperlink details.

If you would like to remove a hyperlink select the "Remove Link" option at the bottom of the link toolbar.

Checking your Hyperlinks

After creating or editing hyperlinks, you can check that all hyperlinks on the website are working correctly. To check your website links:

Login to Oncord, and navigate to "Pages" in the left menu. 

At the top of the screen in the top menu, select "Check Links".

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