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Moving A Page

This tutorial will show you how move an existing page on your website.

Pages have both an url address, and a title. This article will show you how to update both.

The Page Address or "url" specifies where the page is located on your website. When you move / rename a page, you change the address. 

The Page Title specifies how the page should be named when it appears in navigation menus throughout your website. The page title is also used by the web browser as a title for the current tab, and search engines use page titles to display search results. 

When a page is moved, Oncord will automatically setup a re-direct from the old address to the new location, and any media you have uploaded to the page will also be moved.

Move / Rename a Page

Login to your Dashboard. 
Click "Pages" in the left-hand sidebar, located under the "Website" heading.
Locate the page that you would like to re-name, and click the three dots to the right of it to reveal a drop-down menu.
Select the "Rename / Move" option in the drop-down menu.
Define the new location of the page, and type in the new page address that you would like to use (see the below example).

After Moving a Page

After moving a page it's a good idea to change the page title to reflect the updated page address. As an example, if you wanted to change the "About" page on your website to "Our Company", it would be a good idea to move the page to update the address, and also update the page title. 

To change a page title: click the three dots next to the page you want to edit, select the "SEO & Page Settings" option in the drop-down menu, update the "Page Title" field, and save.

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