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Posts Management

Oncord's Posts Management Tool allows you to easily manage and publish regular text content, such as the latest announcements and blog articles. It keeps your website active and helps improve SEO performance.

In this article:

Understanding Posts
Creating Post Categories
Creating Your First Post

Understanding Posts

The most common use of Posts, is to manage announcements or blog articles on your website. A blog post usually consists of two elements;

1. A Post, which provides a preview of the content.

2. A Page, which contains the content of your article.

A post consists of an image, title, and short description / teaser. A Post usually links to a page containing the content of your article, however posts can alternatively link to an uploaded file / pdf, a product for purchase, or an external website or address.

Posts have a variety of uses, but are often used to publish timely content on your website such as news updates, blogs and articles. Posting regular updates on your website keeps your clients engaged, and helps with search engine optimisation.

Here are a few examples of how posts may be used:

An accountant posting about tax and budget updates;
A college posting about a new service or course;
A framing shop posting regular updates in a blog;
A 4x4 Accessories shop posting articles; and
A guitar shop posting about new products in their latest news.

What Are Post Categories?

Post categories are used to organise your posts. Post categories organise your content in a way that makes it easy for your readers to find what most interests them, and control where certain Posts should display throughout your website.

Some common examples of post categories are:

Latest News;
Upcoming Events;
Advice Articles; and
Special Offers

When editing or creating Posts, you will assign them to a Post Category.

Post Categories are then placed on pages throughout your website, to help you control where Posts should display. As a common example, you'll likely have a Page on your website titled "Our Blog", which shows all Posts that are assigned to a Post Category titled "Blog". You may also have added the Blog post category to the home page, so that Posts display in both locations. 

An Example

Let's say a scuba diving company wants to publish an interesting article to promote their services. They decide to post the article "The top 10 places to scuba dive in Australia".

Firstly, they set up the following post categories:

Latest News
Scuba Diving Locations

After creating the two post categories, then create their new post, and assign it to the two above post categories. Upon publishing the article it instantly appears's on the latest news and scuba diving location's feeds.

Creating Post Categories

Post Categories are used to keep Posts sorted, and determine where Posts will display throughout your website. Posts are mostly commonly used for a "Latest News" feed on the website, so this example will be used for the purposes of this tutorial.

Each Oncord Post needs to be assigned to at least one Post Category, so you'll need to create a Post Category (e.g. Latest News) before creating any of the individual news Posts.

Creating a New Post Category

Navigate to Dashboard > Website > Posts.

Select the Categories button at the top of the page to view all Post Categories.

Click the "+ New Category" button located towards the top of the page to configure a new Post Category.

Clicking the "Save Category" button will create the new Post Category. When creating Posts, your new Post Category will now appear as a category option.

Once you generate a new page for the post category, Oncord will inject code into the newly created page to retrieve all posts assigned to that category.

You can also add the post category into an existing page:

  • Open the page editor of the page.
  • Click the "Insert" button in the left panel.
  • Scroll down to the "Dynamic" section and drag the "Posts" element into the page.
  • Configure which post categories will be shown on this page.
  • Click the "Save" button.

Creating Your First Post

Read this first: Understanding Posts.

To create a Post, navigate to Dashboard > Website > Posts.

If you don't have any Post Categories setup yet, you'll be prompted to create one before adding any Posts. Otherwise, click the "New Post" button on the top of the page to create and configure a new Post.

Enter a post title, add a short teaser description to entice visitors to click the Post, and upload an image for the post. 

Each post needs to be assigned to a Post Category, which defines where the Post will display throughout the website (e.g. "Blog"). If you'd also like this post to appear in other categories, click the "Additional Attributes" tab and specify additional Post Categories.

Linking the Post (Full Version / Link To)

The Full Version / Link To option allows you to specify what happens when a user clicks the Post on your website. In most cases, this will be set to "Create a new page", which creates a new page for the content of your article. 

The following options are available for linking the post:

Create a new page - Creates an empty page for you to add the content of your article.
Link to existing page - Links your post to an existing page which you've already created.
Link to external URL - Links your post to an external page address, such as
Link to a file - Links your post to a file uploaded from your computer, such as a PDF document.
Link to event - Links your post to the RSVP form for an event you've created within Oncord.
Link to product - Links your post to a Product that's been configured within your Product Catalog. 
No link - The post is static, and won't be linked. 

To Hide the Post (Offline)

If you would like to hide the Post while you're working on it, open up the additional attributes tab and tick the "Offline" option. Note that when your post is offline it will be hidden from standard website users, however administrators will still be able to see it.

Don't forget: You'll need to make the post visible again when you're finished, otherwise website visitors won't be able to view it. 

Once you have finished creating your post, click the "Save & Create Linked Page" button. If you selected the "Create a new Page" option, you will be re-directed to an empty web page where you can start writing your full article.