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Creating Your First Post

Read this first: Understanding Posts.

To create a Post, navigate to Dashboard > Website > Posts.

If you don't have any Post Categories setup yet, you'll be prompted to create one before adding any Posts. Otherwise, click the "New Post" button on the top of the page to create and configure a new Post.

Enter a post title, add a short teaser description to entice visitors to click the Post, and upload an image for the post. 

Each post needs to be assigned to a Post Category, which defines where the Post will display throughout the website (e.g. "Blog"). If you'd also like this post to appear in other categories, click the "Additional Attributes" tab and specify additional Post Categories.

Linking the Post (Full Version / Link To)

The Full Version / Link To option allows you to specify what happens when a user clicks the Post on your website. In most cases, this will be set to "Create a new page", which creates a new page for the content of your article. 

The following options are available for linking the post:

Create a new page - Creates an empty page for you to add the content of your article.
Link to existing page - Links your post to an existing page which you've already created.
Link to external URL - Links your post to an external page address, such as
Link to a file - Links your post to a file uploaded from your computer, such as a PDF document.
Link to event - Links your post to the RSVP form for an event you've created within Oncord.
Link to product - Links your post to a Product that's been configured within your Product Catalog. 
No link - The post is static, and won't be linked. 

To Hide the Post (Offline)

If you would like to hide the Post while you're working on it, open up the additional attributes tab and tick the "Offline" option. Note that when your post is offline it will be hidden from standard website users, however administrators will still be able to see it.

Don't forget: You'll need to make the post visible again when you're finished, otherwise website visitors won't be able to view it. 

Once you have finished creating your post, click the "Save & Create Linked Page" button. If you selected the "Create a new Page" option, you will be re-directed to an empty web page where you can start writing your full article.

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